James River Floodwall Tours
James River Floodwall Walking Tours
Upon request, conducted tours of the nearby Richmond floodwalls are available. Start and endpoint is the Richmond Railroad Museum, 102 Hull St. Cost is a paid museum admission, $10 Adult, $8 Over 65, $5 Children 6-13,. The walking tour (with 47-step stairway) features South Richmond’s (Old Manchester) transportation, industrial and human history from 1803 to present. Walk is partly on ground level, partly along the top of the South Bank of Floodwall. River wildlife can be observed and discussed. Duration is typically 1 - 1/2 hours, 1 - 1/2 miles. To arrange a tour either call the museum at 804-231-4324 during weekend opening hours or email info@richmondrailroadmuseum.com.